复古限量版 英式大麦酒 2019
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1968年坐落于英国多赛特郡多切斯特镇的Eldridge Pope酒厂酿造了一款举世闻名的英式大麦酒来纪念英国大作家托马斯.哈迪逝世40周年。托马斯.哈迪曾在他的著作《The Trumpet Major》中出现过一段有关啤酒的描述:“It was of the most beautiful colour that the eye of an artist in beer could desire; full in body, yet brisk as a volcano; piguant, yet without a twang; luminous as an autumn sunset; free from streakiness of taste, but , finally , rather heady. The masses worshipped it, the minor gentry loved it more than wine…也许这是来自多赛特的伟大作家对内心所向往啤酒的一种完美诠释。同样位处多塞特的Eldridge Pope酒厂抓住了这个契机,于是托马斯. 哈迪艾尔诞生了。1968 年推出的这款托马斯.哈迪艾尔以荣登《吉尼斯纪录》称为不列颠群岛酒精含量最高的啤酒,并于1981年再次打破这个纪录。